Sunday, November 23, 2008
Life...On MY face
if you don't follow where your life takes you, you will
most likely fail in some way. Follow your heart, but follow
your brain, & your instincts. Follow with caution, but don't be
to careful. Have fun. Miss your loved ones that have moved on, but
always...always remember not to be shelfish. Deep down, you know they're
safe, and where they wanna be. The true paradise... Heaven. Where we will see
them again.
Love, Peace, & Happiness...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy Holidays!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Here's To you....
is enough to make me happy. But, i will always, & forever, miss you guys.
~Love, Peace, & Happiness,
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Scott Maxwell Benefit Ride:
start on 8th Ave. & Author, (by the Musketowa trail, and eventually wind down to Berlin fairgrounds.) Scott liked to spend much of his time at his house, with his family, & his animals.
He loved hunting, & he was on the Berlin Fairground board. Nothing will ever be the same over there. (as is the same with the Worpel family, the Stout family, & the Zimmer family.)
Loss must not over go Love.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
When you miss someone
i think the same goes for "When you miss someone." Anyways, the songs explains
all the things people do, when they love someone. Sometimes people do crazy things,
but sometimes they do sweet, & meaningful things. In the case of Daryn, Scott, & Brandon, we do sweet, & meaningful things. Daryn, Scott, & Brandon, were 3 well loved people, & they always will be. They are in the Most wonderful place imaginable, & all along, they knew, someday, that's where they'd end up. in heaven, with Jesus. And all of their other loved ones.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Held" Natalie Grant
i feel as my life had been robbed. one by one, i'm losing friends, and family member. i want them back.
Check it out Now:
September 23rd.
Scott David Maxwell died today. here's the story from Wzzm 13 news.
MARNE, Mich. (WZZM) - Ottawa County Sheriff's Deputies are investigating an accidental electrocution on 16th Avenue in Marne.
Scott David Maxwell, 44, of Coopersville was pronounced dead at Spectrum Health downtown after his construction truck came into contact with power lines at a job site.
Lt. Mike Brookhouse said that Maxwell noticed the boom on his truck, which carries concrete forms, come into contact with power lines. Maxwell left his truck and walked around it and then went to get back inside. When he touched the truck again, it had become energized and he suffered the fatal shock.
Other workers at the job site attempted to revive Maxwell before he was transported to the hospital.
Why does everything bad happen on 16th ave. ??? i wanna know why. i feel cursed, haunted, & robbed.
SDM memory lives on forever.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
When it rains, its always hard
I mean EVERY word i've said on this WHOLE blog.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Today is a Sad Day...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dedication to Daryn
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
She's Truely That Important
it could be about Daryn, for Daryn, it could say D.R.W., DW, Daryn Renee' Worpel, or something else. I'm really thankful to have the memories i have of her. when i think of Daryn i think, our little ray of sunshine, i think of the most heavenly things imaginable. It's a heart warming feeling to know we'll see her, & our other loved ones again someday.
~Acorn~ <3
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Our Families Daryn Vase
I hope no harm will come to this vase. i wish not to lose it, break it, or have it taken somehow.
Daryn Vase Owner:
~The One & Only Acorn~
( i hope she liked the red roses. i think she did.)
Memories Are best...
~In Loving Memory~
Memories are best, ~Acorn~
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Winning...For Daryn
-Wish me luck, & she'll be with me-
Monday, July 14, 2008
Please Send Again!!
And remember, it's all for Daryn! So spread The word!
Peace Out!!
In loving Memory of Brandon Stout
Lest they be forgotten
170 men with Michigan ties have died in Iraq and Afghanistan

Brandon L. Stout
Service/rank: Army Spc.
Age: 23
Hometown: Grand Rapids
Date of death: January 22, 2007
Where killed: Baghdad, Iraq
Died Jan. 22, 2007, in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds suffered when an explosive device detonated near his vehicle.
For Brandon
His name is Brandon L. Stout. His wife is Audrey.
Here's the story.
Brandon L. Stout dies of injuries from projectile I.E.D.

Her husband, 23-year-old Brandon Stout would be on leave from Iraq. But it was not to happen. Six days before his scheduled 15 day leave, Stout died in an attack just outside Baghdad.
Stout had been a member of the Michigan National Guard for the past five years. "He was driving an armored humvee when they hit an unusually large explosive device," said Warrant Officer Rhea Pruitt. "Two other Michigan Guard soldiers were also seriously hurt."
Stout grew up in Kent City and was active in high school choir and quiz bowl. He joined the Michigan National Guard while attending college in Lansing. It was an opportunity to earn money and train for a career in security services.
Stout was a devout member of West Leonard Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. He and his wife, Audrey Hinken Stout, were youth leaders. Pastor Neil Jasperse says the two communicated frequently by e-mail.
"He never lost sight of the security risks in Baghdad. Shortly after he arrived, a member of his unit was killed. His faith and sense of patriotism helped him get through those times."
Funeral services are expected next week. Stout's body will arrive at Andrews Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware on Monday.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Please Send!
And remember, it's all for Daryn! So spread The word!
Peace Out!
Having Fun
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Daryn...In The Sand
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Red Roses
The red Roses on the stone, in a rather old vase, are from my family. on memorial day i felt it was only appropriate for the occasion. The Flowers are beautiful, and represent Daryn, & her Beauty. I hope everyone thinks of Daryn and smiles.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
All Day, Every Day.
All Day Every Day, we know your still here. not right here, but here.
All Day Every Day, we think of you, during tests, during recess. you're here.
All Day Every Day, We think grades, we think art, two of many things you are good at.
All Day Every Day, we drive, we drive past that haunted intersection, where we lost you.
All Day Every Day, we're happy, and sad. Cry tears of joy, and tears of sadness.
All Day Every Day, we talk to you again,& again. Wondering what it's like up there.
All Day Every Day, We're happy for you. you're where your needed. The best place you could possibly be.
All Day Every Day...We Will Pray.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Little Ray of sunshine
After your crash...
The Strong One:
The Truth...

I am still scanning for pics on my computer, i know i have a couple.

Chesney Concert
Missing someone, i no what that feeling is like. my cousin Brandon L. Stout age 23, died sometime is January close to his mom's (my aunt Tracy's) birthday. he just got married to Audrey. he was supposed to come home in less than a week., but instead, his hum bee got blow up, ( they ran over a bomb) and he was the ONLY ONE that died. just not fair.
The death of my cousin, to me is less tragic than the death of my close friend Daryn Worpel. you never know how much you love someone until there gone. Both my cousin, And Daryn are together up in heaven with god, smiling down at us right now...
I have no pictures
Daryn Renee Worpel.
A song that reminds me of the beautiful Daryn Worpel.
love, peace, & happiness...Forever